Saturday, April 4, 2009

Valleran's work

Valleran is a freelance diplomat, of the Caste of Teachers and still performing now and then in that capacity, but most of his work is consumed by setting to rights various disputes between the Merchant Houses and other large entities that make Ar the power center it is.

His services are always in demand, but he shows great discretion in choosing his employers, firing more than one on occasion. He may work for one of the opposing Houses and acting as negotiator, or more typically he's hired jointly by both or by an outside entity wishing to find swift, quiet and satisfying resolution to some dispute. His reputation for candor, discretion, and quickly grasping the nuances of unique situations is well known in the circles that matter.

His work is done at times in the Central Cylinder of Ar, in the hearings and administrative audience chambers where terms are hammered out. Other times he works at the individual houses, or less frequently at some remote location... neutral ground. He's plied his trade more than once in a paga den, or seedier location. Usually this arbitration are done with words, but on rare occasion steel is drawn

Valleran is paid extremely well for his services, his fee varying depending on the task at hand, and always kept secret. The payment is commonly coin, but he also accepts information, art, property, access, or on one occasion a very special slave as fair trade for his efforts.

There are certain circles where he is not well liked at all; his directness and ability to set aside social niceties when that time has come has earned him some enmity.


On occasion he will also work as Teacher, lecturing some body on a topic he's mastered, usually at the request of a friend. Now and then he also accepts a student or two as an apprentice or for tutuledge, though this last is reserved as favors to friends for their own children, or the scions of powerful families.


At times the work is consuming, keeping him away for all hours of the day. On occasion the matter is something that can be solved with little time. He doesn't feel the need to fill in his free time with work, preferring instead to pick interesting, lucrative work and then very much enjoying his free time.

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